July 2024

Ugna kjøper 100% av aksjene i Krefter AS

(English below) Selskapet Ugna AS ledet av Oliver Horvei har kjøpt datasenterselskapet Krefter AS. Nå vil alle tomter, prosjekter og infrastruktur på Lalm i Gudbrandsdalen inngå i en større nordisk portefølje som Ugna utvikler.

Horvei var tilbake i 2021 med på å starte Krefter AS sammen med datasenterutvikleren Grandtechnick Pte Ltd med mål om å etablere et hyperskala datasenter for internasjonale kunder på Lalm i Vågå kommune. På grunn av en rekke uenigheter rundt Krefters strategiske retning, valgte Horvei og flere ansatte å forlate prosjektet allerede i 2022.

- Med kjøpet av Krefter AS får jeg muligheten til å realisere prosjektet i tråd med de opprinnelige planene. Foruten å gjøre tungindustri fornybar skal vi gjenbruke overskuddsvarme for å skape større verdiskapning og lokale arbeidsplasser, sier daglig leder Oliver Horvei i Ugna.

Han mener det vil kreves omfattende oppgraderinger av eksisterende infrastruktur på Lalm, inkludert fiber, strøm og nettverksredundans, samt nødvendig konsesjonsplanlegging, for å kunne skape et produkt som det er behov for i dagens marked for datasenter. Ugna er også på jakt etter mer tilstøtende areal for å kunne tilrettelegge for energiintensiv industri og bransjer som kan benytte seg av overskuddsvarmen fra sentrene som blir etablert.

- Det er mange løse tråder og omfattende prosesser som skal på plass, særlig når det kommer til regulering og konsesjon, men vi har opparbeidet oss lang erfaring i en ung industri og det gir oss et konkurransefortrinn, sier Oliver Horvei.

Utover prosjektene på Lalm jobber Ugna med å utvikle strategisk viktige, sirkulære prosjekter på flere lokasjoner i Norden.

- Alle etableringer skal ha fokus på effektiv ressursbruk og utnyttelse av overskuddsvarme i sekundærindustrier som fiskeoppdrett og drivhus, sier Horvei.
July 2024

Ugna Acquires 100% of Shares in Krefter AS

Ugna AS, led by Oliver Horvei, has completed the acquisition of data centre company Krefter AS. This acquisition will incorporate all plots, projects, and infrastructure in Lalm, Gudbrandsdalen into Ugna’s expanding Nordic portfolio.

Horvei co-founded Krefter AS in 2021 alongside data centre developer Grandtechnick Pte Ltd, aiming to establish a hyperscale data centre for international clients in Lalm, Vågå municipality. However, due to disagreements over the strategic direction of Krefter, Horvei and several team members departed the project in 2022.

“With the acquisition of Krefter AS, I am presented with the opportunity to realise the project according to the original plans. Apart from transitioning heavy industry to renewable energy, we aim to repurpose excess heat to generate greater value and local employment,” stated Oliver Horvei, CEO of Ugna.

He noted that extensive upgrades to the existing infrastructure in Lalm, including fibre, power, and network redundancy, as well as necessary concession planning, are crucial for creating a product that meets current market demands for data centres. Ugna is also exploring additional adjacent land to accommodate energy-intensive industries and sectors that can utilise the surplus heat from the established centres.

“There are many unresolved issues and complex processes that need to be addressed, particularly in terms of regulation and concession, but our extensive experience in a burgeoning industry affords us a competitive edge,” Horvei added.

Beyond the projects in Lalm, Ugna is developing strategically significant, circular economy projects at various locations across the Nordics.

“All our establishments are focused on efficient resource use and harnessing surplus heat in secondary industries like aquaculture and greenhouses,” Horvei concluded.
July 2024

What and who is UGNA?

Introduction to Ugna

Ugna will be at the forefront of sustainable development in the power intensive industries, leveraging exclusively renewable power sources to redefine how energy and technology intersect. Founded with a vision to harmonise technological advancement with environmental stewardship, Ugna is pioneering the concept of energy parks. These parks are not merely data centres, hydrogen factories and similar green industries, but vibrant ecosystems where power production, technology, and sustainable practices coalesce to create a blueprint for the future.

The People Behind

Ugna is the brainchild of a group of forward-thinking entrepreneurs and engineers who believe in the power of innovation to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. The team brings together diverse expertise from the realms of biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and data science, cloud computing, real estate development and more, all united under the common goal of making data centres part of the solution to global energy demands. Their collective experience spans several successful ventures in various high-tech industries, equipping them with the unique insights and skills necessary to drive Ugna towards its ambitious goals.

Our Mission

Our mission is to integrate power intensive industries with renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro, and wind power, thereby not only reducing the carbon footprint of digital data storage and processing but also contributing positively to the local communities. By reusing excess heat for applications such as greenhouses, fish farming, and local heating solutions, Ugna’s energy parks aim to set new standards in energy efficiency and circular economy.

Looking Ahead

With plans well underway for the development of three energy parks in Norway, Ugna is poised to lead by example. The first two sites are expected to be somewhat operational by 2024, with the third following in 2025. Each park is designed to be a testament to what the future of energy and technology can look like when driven by sustainability. Ugna is not just building data centres; it is creating the infrastructure for a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.

Through innovation, commitment, and a clear vision, Ugna is setting the stage to revolutionize the data centre industry, turning digital infrastructure projects into hubs of sustainability that benefit everyone.